Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hey Mom! Come to Nudidity!

Dear Mom,
This place is AWESOME! I made this place up in my mind and its everything i wished it would be! It is way way way better than any other place out there! Trees are abundant and there is not one single piece of trash on the ground! Beachs are blue-green (the way they should be) and the water is crystal clear. Sometimes I wonder how I ever became so brillant! My best friend lives across the street from me and every day we go tanning and swimming. Work isn't neccesary here either. Instead if you do a good deed you get money. Food and shelter is provided and money is only need for clothes and other extra things. Speaking of which, clothing is optional here. Its a way for everyone to seem a little less different. Its really nice actually. The weather is always nice and there is not one single spot of pollution, anywhere. By the way, everyone in Nudidity has a say. Not one single decision is made without the consent of everyone. So when you come here to live with me be prepared to live the life you always wish you had!

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